Syllabus – The Preacher & His Work 1
Instructor: Russ Earl
PURPOSE: To prepare for the various aspects of being a preacher in addition to regular preaching.
The King James Version Bible
Encouraging Preachers - Tom Holland (Required)
Memories, Ministries, and the Main Thing - Walter Irwin
THe Work of the Preacher is Working - Tom Holland
For info about book orders please visit our book orders page.
Tests will be administered about every 4 weeks. Tests are due back to the instructor by midnight on the Tuesday following class. Each test will be worth 50 points.
Class notes: Students are to submit notes with each test.
Five points will be deducted for each day a test or assignment is late
Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions at 1 pm CTZ. Each class will be 50 minutes in length.
Topics to be discussed
Instructor: Russ Earl
PURPOSE: To prepare for the various aspects of being a preacher in addition to regular preaching.
The King James Version Bible
Encouraging Preachers - Tom Holland (Required)
Memories, Ministries, and the Main Thing - Walter Irwin
THe Work of the Preacher is Working - Tom Holland
For info about book orders please visit our book orders page.
- Keep diligent notes (to be submitted weekly)
- Complete all assignments on time
- Students must be in class on time. Absences must be excused by the director of OABS or they will count against the final grade. Habitual tardiness and/or absences reflect a careless, indifferent attitude toward the subject matter wherein the student should examine his priorities to see if he is ready to take such a course.
- When a question is asked in class all students must reply, if you do not know the answer just say so, failure to reply will affect your participation grade.
Tests will be administered about every 4 weeks. Tests are due back to the instructor by midnight on the Tuesday following class. Each test will be worth 50 points.
Class notes: Students are to submit notes with each test.
Five points will be deducted for each day a test or assignment is late
Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions at 1 pm CTZ. Each class will be 50 minutes in length.
Topics to be discussed