Session 8 - The Fall of Jerusalem, None to Comfort
Session 7 - The Prophecies to the Gentiles (Jeremiah 49-51), part 2
Session 6 - The Prophecies to the Gentiles (Jeremiah 49-51), part 1
Session 5 - The Prophecies of Judah: The Present Fall of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 34-45)
Session 4 - The Prophesies of Judah: The conflict of Jeremiah & Restoration of Jerusalem (Jer 26-33)
Session 3 - The Prophecies To Judah: The Condemnation Of Judah (Jeremiah 2-25)
Session 2 - The Call Of Jeremiah: Jeremiah 1
Session 1 - Introduction To Class: Going over the syllabus and expectations for this class.