Ezekiel & Daniel
Instructor: Zac Hall
In this course we will study the books of Ezekiel and Daniel. We will see that even though God disciplines His people there is still hope. We will also see that God is active in the kingdoms of men.
Required books:
The Holy Bible King James Version
Recommended books:
The Major Prophets by James E. Smith
A Remnant Shall Return by Bob and Sandra Waldron
Daniel A Prophet of God by Rex A. Turner, Sr.
For info about book orders please visit our book orders page.
Each student is to keep a notebook to include class notes
Read through Ezekiel and Daniel three times during the course of the study
Read the chapters we will cover in class prior to class
Memory verses are due throughout the semester according to the schedule
There will be two tests in the course one over each book
Memory Work: The memory work assignments are found on the syllabus. Each student will type them out from memory into an email and send it to the instructor before the start of class on the assigned due date. When sending the email please grade your memory work and put the grade in the subject line of the email.
Two Tests: One test will be given at the end of the book of Ezekiel. The second test will be given at the end of the book of Daniel at the end of the semester.
Sermon Outlines: Two full sermon outlines from the biblical text are required throughout the semester. There should be one outline from each book. These outlines need to be a minimum of one-page single space (include Your Name, Title, Text, Thesis, Introduction, Main Points, and Conclusion) See Example.
Memory work will count for 25% of your final grade
Tests will count as 50% of your final grade
Sermon outlines will count for 25% of your final grade
Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions at 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM CTZ. Each class will be 50 minutes in length with a 10 minute break between classes. Two breaks total will be taken after six weeks of consecutive classes over the course of the semester.
Class Topic Memory Work
1 Intro to Ezekiel and Ezek. 1-2 N/A
2 Ezek. 3-7 Ezekiel 3:14, 27
3 Ezek. 8-12 Ezekiel 11:19-20
4 Ezek. 13-16 Ezekiel 13:2
5 Ezek. 17-21 Ezekiel 18:20
6 Ezek. 22-26 Ezekiel 26:3-4
7 Ezek. 27-30 Ezekiel 33:11
8 Ezek. 31-34 Ezekiel 34:2
9 Ezek. 35-38 Ezekiel 34:23-24
10 Ezek. 39-42 Ezekiel 43:10
11 Ezek. 43-46 Ezekiel Outline Due
12 Ezek. 47-48 and Intro to Daniel Test
13 Dan. 1-2 Daniel 2:44
14 Dan. 3-4 Daniel 3:17-18
15 Dan. 7-8 Daniel 6:10
16 Dan. 5-6 Daniel 7:13-14
17 Dan. 11, 10 Daniel 12:2-3; Daniel Outline Due
18 Dan. 12, 9 Test
In this course we will study the books of Ezekiel and Daniel. We will see that even though God disciplines His people there is still hope. We will also see that God is active in the kingdoms of men.
Required books:
The Holy Bible King James Version
Recommended books:
The Major Prophets by James E. Smith
A Remnant Shall Return by Bob and Sandra Waldron
Daniel A Prophet of God by Rex A. Turner, Sr.
For info about book orders please visit our book orders page.
Each student is to keep a notebook to include class notes
Read through Ezekiel and Daniel three times during the course of the study
Read the chapters we will cover in class prior to class
Memory verses are due throughout the semester according to the schedule
There will be two tests in the course one over each book
Memory Work: The memory work assignments are found on the syllabus. Each student will type them out from memory into an email and send it to the instructor before the start of class on the assigned due date. When sending the email please grade your memory work and put the grade in the subject line of the email.
Two Tests: One test will be given at the end of the book of Ezekiel. The second test will be given at the end of the book of Daniel at the end of the semester.
Sermon Outlines: Two full sermon outlines from the biblical text are required throughout the semester. There should be one outline from each book. These outlines need to be a minimum of one-page single space (include Your Name, Title, Text, Thesis, Introduction, Main Points, and Conclusion) See Example.
Memory work will count for 25% of your final grade
Tests will count as 50% of your final grade
Sermon outlines will count for 25% of your final grade
Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions at 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM CTZ. Each class will be 50 minutes in length with a 10 minute break between classes. Two breaks total will be taken after six weeks of consecutive classes over the course of the semester.
Class Topic Memory Work
1 Intro to Ezekiel and Ezek. 1-2 N/A
2 Ezek. 3-7 Ezekiel 3:14, 27
3 Ezek. 8-12 Ezekiel 11:19-20
4 Ezek. 13-16 Ezekiel 13:2
5 Ezek. 17-21 Ezekiel 18:20
6 Ezek. 22-26 Ezekiel 26:3-4
7 Ezek. 27-30 Ezekiel 33:11
8 Ezek. 31-34 Ezekiel 34:2
9 Ezek. 35-38 Ezekiel 34:23-24
10 Ezek. 39-42 Ezekiel 43:10
11 Ezek. 43-46 Ezekiel Outline Due
12 Ezek. 47-48 and Intro to Daniel Test
13 Dan. 1-2 Daniel 2:44
14 Dan. 3-4 Daniel 3:17-18
15 Dan. 7-8 Daniel 6:10
16 Dan. 5-6 Daniel 7:13-14
17 Dan. 11, 10 Daniel 12:2-3; Daniel Outline Due
18 Dan. 12, 9 Test