Godhead 1 & 2
Instructor: Rick Popejoy
Who is God? Better yet, what is God? Can we know for certain that He exists? If so, how? How can God be one yet three? How can Christ be both God and man? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? What is the role of the Spirit today?
This course is a study of the nature, existence, and attributes of God. We will examine the biblical evidence for the doctrine of the Trinity; the person of the Father; the person of the Christ; and the person of the Holy Spirit.
Particular attention will be spent on worldview analysis in order to answer the question "What is God?" before we can approach the question "Who is God?" We will also learn and evaluate the common arguments for the existence of God.
This class will be broken down into two separate classes.
The first series of classes are called The Godhead I and will cover Part One: The Godhead; Part Two: God, the Father; and Part Three: God, the Son. This will include the first 36 lessons in the outline below. The Godhead I is offered in senior level classes during the spring semester.
The second series of classes are called The Godhead II and will cover Part Four: God, the Spirit. This will include the last 18 lessons in the outline below. The Godhead II is offered in senior level classes during the fall semester.
We want all who attend to enjoy their study, but at the same time remember it is for a serious purpose we meet. Students should feel free to ask for help when necessary but should first exhaust their capacity to solve the problem before asking.
The King James Version Bible
Class Notes will be given out by the instructor.
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption by Franklin Camp (The Godhead II)
For info about book orders please visit our book orders page.
Student must be in class on time:
Absences must be excused by the director of OABS or they will count against the final grade.
Habitual tardiness and/or absences reflect a careless, indifferent attitude toward the subject matter wherein the student should examine his priorities to see if he is ready to take such a course.
All homework must be sent with clear markings in the email "Subject" heading as to the assignment. This also needs to be marked on the heading of your paper sent in either a WORD or PDF document.
Scripture Memorization: Each student will memorize the passages provided in the Course schedule below. For example, The Knowledge of God (Hosea 4:6). Once completed, the student will recite the memorized Scripture to a partner. Each student must send an email with the following information in the Subject line: Course Name – Class Title, and Text Reference. For example, The Godhead I, The Knowledge of God (Hosea 4:6).
Research Paper: Due by the 17th week of class for each semester. A list of essay topics will be given in class. However students are allowed to select their own topic after consultation with the instructor. The length of the essay must not exceed 12 pages, preferably 10 pages, double spaced, and Times Romans 12 point font.
Reading Assignments:
The Godhead II
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 1-12). Due by week two.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 13-23). Due by week three.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 24-34). Due by week four.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 35-42). Due by week five.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 43-76). Due by week seven.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 77-129). Due by week nine.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 130-156). Due by week ten.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 157-213). Due by week eleven.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 214-257). Due by week twelve.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 258-274). Due by week thirteen.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 275-313). Due by week fifteen.
Factors entering into the final grade will be: test, notebook, assignments (including readings, writings, memorization, etc.), participation in class, and attitude manifested toward the subject.
A report of grades will be given following the conclusion of the course.
Godhead I: Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions. Each Saturday will consist of two fifty minute sessions, meeting at 9:00 AM to 10:50 AM CTZ. It is expected that there will be two breaks during the schedule, but there will be a total of 18 Saturday sessions.
Godhead II: Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions. Each Saturday will consist of one fifty minute session, meeting at 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM CTZ. It is expected that there will be two breaks during the schedule, but there will be a total of 18 Saturday sessions.
Part One: The Godhead
1 The Knowledge of God Hosea 4:6
2 Is There a God? - Existence Hebrews 3:4
3 What is God? – Essence Psalm 90:2
4 The Substance of God John 4:24
5 The Self-Existence of God Job 38:4-5
6 The Immensity of God Acts 17:27-28
7 The Eternality of God Revelation 1:4, 8
8 The Omnipresence of God Psalm 139:7-8
9 The Omniscience of God Psalm 147:5
10 The Omnipotence of God Revelation 19:6
11 The Immutability of God Malachi 3:6
12 Who is God? - Attributes Acts 17:24-25
13 The Holiness of God Exodus 15:11
14 The Righteousness and Justice of God Psalm 89:14
15 The Goodness of God Psalm 119:68
16 God is Truth Deuteronomy 32:4
17 The Unity and Trinity of God 2 Corinthians 13:14
18 The Sovereignty of God Colossians 1:16-17
19 The Jealousy of God Deuteronomy 4:23-24
Part Two: God, the Father
20 Fatherhood within the Godhead 1 Peter 1:3
21 Fatherhood Revealed by the Son 1 Corinthians 1:3
22 Fatherhood & His Eternal Purpose Psalm 103:13
23 Our Father Which Art in Heaven Matthew 6:9
24 Our Father's House John 14:1-3
25 False Doctrines Related to God the Father Acts 17:23
Part Three: God, the Son
26 The Preexistence of Jesus John 17:5
27 The Prophecies about Jesus 1 Peter 1:10-11
28 The Humanity of Jesus 1 Timothy 2:5
29 The Deity of Jesus Colossians 2:9
30 The Incarnation of Jesus John 1:14
31 The Earthly Ministry of Jesus Luke 19:10
32 The Death of Jesus Matthew 27:26
33 The Resurrection & Appearances of Jesus Mark 16:9
34 The Ascension & Exaltation of Jesus Ephesians 4:11, 21
35 The Return of Jesus Acts 1:9-11
36 The Three Offices of Jesus Revelation 1:5
Part Four: God, the Spirit
37 What or Who is the Holy Spirit? Acts 5:3-4
38 The Work of the Holy Spirit John 14:26; 16:13
39 The Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ Luke 1:35
40 The Holy Spirit and the Apostles Acts 1:8
41 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Mark 1:8
42 The Holy Spirit and the 1st Century Christians Joel 2:28-32
43 The Seal of the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13
44 The Gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
45 The Earnest of the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:14
46 The Cessation of Miracles Micah 7:15
47 A Study of Prayer & Providence Job 21:15
48 The Holy Spirit in Conversion Psalm 19:7
49 The Holy Spirit and the New Birth John 3:3, 5
50 The Holy Spirit in Sanctification John 17:17
51 The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit 1 John 4:12
52 The Holy Spirit and Divine Illumination 1 Corinthians 2:10
53 Misunderstood Phrases Regarding the Holy Spirit Titus 3:5
54 The Temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6:19
Who is God? Better yet, what is God? Can we know for certain that He exists? If so, how? How can God be one yet three? How can Christ be both God and man? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? What is the role of the Spirit today?
This course is a study of the nature, existence, and attributes of God. We will examine the biblical evidence for the doctrine of the Trinity; the person of the Father; the person of the Christ; and the person of the Holy Spirit.
Particular attention will be spent on worldview analysis in order to answer the question "What is God?" before we can approach the question "Who is God?" We will also learn and evaluate the common arguments for the existence of God.
This class will be broken down into two separate classes.
The first series of classes are called The Godhead I and will cover Part One: The Godhead; Part Two: God, the Father; and Part Three: God, the Son. This will include the first 36 lessons in the outline below. The Godhead I is offered in senior level classes during the spring semester.
The second series of classes are called The Godhead II and will cover Part Four: God, the Spirit. This will include the last 18 lessons in the outline below. The Godhead II is offered in senior level classes during the fall semester.
We want all who attend to enjoy their study, but at the same time remember it is for a serious purpose we meet. Students should feel free to ask for help when necessary but should first exhaust their capacity to solve the problem before asking.
The King James Version Bible
Class Notes will be given out by the instructor.
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption by Franklin Camp (The Godhead II)
For info about book orders please visit our book orders page.
Student must be in class on time:
Absences must be excused by the director of OABS or they will count against the final grade.
Habitual tardiness and/or absences reflect a careless, indifferent attitude toward the subject matter wherein the student should examine his priorities to see if he is ready to take such a course.
All homework must be sent with clear markings in the email "Subject" heading as to the assignment. This also needs to be marked on the heading of your paper sent in either a WORD or PDF document.
Scripture Memorization: Each student will memorize the passages provided in the Course schedule below. For example, The Knowledge of God (Hosea 4:6). Once completed, the student will recite the memorized Scripture to a partner. Each student must send an email with the following information in the Subject line: Course Name – Class Title, and Text Reference. For example, The Godhead I, The Knowledge of God (Hosea 4:6).
Research Paper: Due by the 17th week of class for each semester. A list of essay topics will be given in class. However students are allowed to select their own topic after consultation with the instructor. The length of the essay must not exceed 12 pages, preferably 10 pages, double spaced, and Times Romans 12 point font.
Reading Assignments:
The Godhead II
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 1-12). Due by week two.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 13-23). Due by week three.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 24-34). Due by week four.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 35-42). Due by week five.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 43-76). Due by week seven.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 77-129). Due by week nine.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 130-156). Due by week ten.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 157-213). Due by week eleven.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 214-257). Due by week twelve.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 258-274). Due by week thirteen.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Camp (pgs. 275-313). Due by week fifteen.
Factors entering into the final grade will be: test, notebook, assignments (including readings, writings, memorization, etc.), participation in class, and attitude manifested toward the subject.
A report of grades will be given following the conclusion of the course.
Godhead I: Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions. Each Saturday will consist of two fifty minute sessions, meeting at 9:00 AM to 10:50 AM CTZ. It is expected that there will be two breaks during the schedule, but there will be a total of 18 Saturday sessions.
Godhead II: Classes meet each Saturday for 18 sessions. Each Saturday will consist of one fifty minute session, meeting at 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM CTZ. It is expected that there will be two breaks during the schedule, but there will be a total of 18 Saturday sessions.
Part One: The Godhead
1 The Knowledge of God Hosea 4:6
2 Is There a God? - Existence Hebrews 3:4
3 What is God? – Essence Psalm 90:2
4 The Substance of God John 4:24
5 The Self-Existence of God Job 38:4-5
6 The Immensity of God Acts 17:27-28
7 The Eternality of God Revelation 1:4, 8
8 The Omnipresence of God Psalm 139:7-8
9 The Omniscience of God Psalm 147:5
10 The Omnipotence of God Revelation 19:6
11 The Immutability of God Malachi 3:6
12 Who is God? - Attributes Acts 17:24-25
13 The Holiness of God Exodus 15:11
14 The Righteousness and Justice of God Psalm 89:14
15 The Goodness of God Psalm 119:68
16 God is Truth Deuteronomy 32:4
17 The Unity and Trinity of God 2 Corinthians 13:14
18 The Sovereignty of God Colossians 1:16-17
19 The Jealousy of God Deuteronomy 4:23-24
Part Two: God, the Father
20 Fatherhood within the Godhead 1 Peter 1:3
21 Fatherhood Revealed by the Son 1 Corinthians 1:3
22 Fatherhood & His Eternal Purpose Psalm 103:13
23 Our Father Which Art in Heaven Matthew 6:9
24 Our Father's House John 14:1-3
25 False Doctrines Related to God the Father Acts 17:23
Part Three: God, the Son
26 The Preexistence of Jesus John 17:5
27 The Prophecies about Jesus 1 Peter 1:10-11
28 The Humanity of Jesus 1 Timothy 2:5
29 The Deity of Jesus Colossians 2:9
30 The Incarnation of Jesus John 1:14
31 The Earthly Ministry of Jesus Luke 19:10
32 The Death of Jesus Matthew 27:26
33 The Resurrection & Appearances of Jesus Mark 16:9
34 The Ascension & Exaltation of Jesus Ephesians 4:11, 21
35 The Return of Jesus Acts 1:9-11
36 The Three Offices of Jesus Revelation 1:5
Part Four: God, the Spirit
37 What or Who is the Holy Spirit? Acts 5:3-4
38 The Work of the Holy Spirit John 14:26; 16:13
39 The Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ Luke 1:35
40 The Holy Spirit and the Apostles Acts 1:8
41 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Mark 1:8
42 The Holy Spirit and the 1st Century Christians Joel 2:28-32
43 The Seal of the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13
44 The Gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
45 The Earnest of the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:14
46 The Cessation of Miracles Micah 7:15
47 A Study of Prayer & Providence Job 21:15
48 The Holy Spirit in Conversion Psalm 19:7
49 The Holy Spirit and the New Birth John 3:3, 5
50 The Holy Spirit in Sanctification John 17:17
51 The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit 1 John 4:12
52 The Holy Spirit and Divine Illumination 1 Corinthians 2:10
53 Misunderstood Phrases Regarding the Holy Spirit Titus 3:5
54 The Temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6:19