Jeremiah & Lamentations
Instructor: Kaleb Nelson
Syllabus updated 12/31/24
Class Time: 1-3 P.M.
To gain more knowledge pertaining to God’s word, and especially the books of Jeremiah
and Lamentations.
Studies in Jeremiah and Lamentations Volume One and Two, Robert R. Taylor Jr.
Studies In Jeremiah and Lamentations Volume 1 and 2, Schertz Lectureship.
Truth for Today Commentaries on Jeremiah (two volumes), Dayton Keesee.
Attendance and participation in all classes and homework.
Students must take thorough notes of all classes.
Each student is required to read the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations no less than 3
times; once before class begins, once more before the first test, and once more before the
second test.
Each student will be required to turn in five sermon outlines. Four of these must be taken
from texts in the book of Jeremiah. One of these must be taken from a text in the book of
Lamentations. These will be due by on these dates: February 7th, February 28th, March
21st, April 4th, April 25th.
Each Student will also be required to turn in one five page single spaced outline of the
book of Jeremiah. This will be due on May 2nd.
The sermon format is as follows:
Times New Roman, 12 point font.
Single spaced.
No less than 2 pages.
We will take two tests. A study guide will be provided before each test.
The first test will be given to you following class on March 8th will be due March 14th.
The second test will be given on May 17th and will be due on May 23rd.
50% - Sermon Outlines (Each sermon is worth 10%).
20% - Test #1.
20% - Test #2.
10% - Outline of Jeremiah.
Any assignment turned in late will have a grade deduction.
Class Time: 1-3 P.M.
To gain more knowledge pertaining to God’s word, and especially the books of Jeremiah
and Lamentations.
Studies in Jeremiah and Lamentations Volume One and Two, Robert R. Taylor Jr.
Studies In Jeremiah and Lamentations Volume 1 and 2, Schertz Lectureship.
Truth for Today Commentaries on Jeremiah (two volumes), Dayton Keesee.
Attendance and participation in all classes and homework.
Students must take thorough notes of all classes.
Each student is required to read the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations no less than 3
times; once before class begins, once more before the first test, and once more before the
second test.
Each student will be required to turn in five sermon outlines. Four of these must be taken
from texts in the book of Jeremiah. One of these must be taken from a text in the book of
Lamentations. These will be due by on these dates: February 7th, February 28th, March
21st, April 4th, April 25th.
Each Student will also be required to turn in one five page single spaced outline of the
book of Jeremiah. This will be due on May 2nd.
The sermon format is as follows:
Times New Roman, 12 point font.
Single spaced.
No less than 2 pages.
We will take two tests. A study guide will be provided before each test.
The first test will be given to you following class on March 8th will be due March 14th.
The second test will be given on May 17th and will be due on May 23rd.
50% - Sermon Outlines (Each sermon is worth 10%).
20% - Test #1.
20% - Test #2.
10% - Outline of Jeremiah.
Any assignment turned in late will have a grade deduction.