Change Agents
Instructor: Landon Rowell
Change Agents
Getting To Know The Teacher
1. My name is Landon Rowell; I’m married to Kristin, have two biological children that are 15 and
we have one officially adopted child and two unofficially adopted children.
a. I am a 2005 graduate of the Brown Trail School of Preaching and started my first full time
work with the Hydro church of Christ in June of 2005.
b. I was the president of the BTSOP Alumni Association for over eleven years and director
of the BTSOP Alumni Lectureship for seven years as well.
2. I have been the preacher here in Ramona, OK since December 2010.
a. Therefore, as of today I have been preaching 18 years.
What To Expect From Your Teacher
1. Diligence:
a. I will seek to always be on time, fully prepared, and ready to teach God’s word.
i. I am a full-time preacher and there are times when situations cannot be avoided
but I will make certain none of those are of my own shortcomings.
2. A Strict Adherence To Logic & Reason:
a. I married an artsy girl but I myself am not and I am very “black and white” in my
teaching style.
i. Now, biblically this is how it needs to be but I also know I’m not perfect, but I try
and keep my opinions out of classes such as this unless my opinion is asked.
3. Class Participation:
a. I enjoy class participation and encourage it.
i. I’m not afraid to go after a rabbit or two but depending on time we might have
to “come back” to an off-topic question or question that will take us too far
down the rabbit whole for class.
b. I might set up a time for us to come and study just that at some other date if necessary.
What The Teacher Expects From You
1. As far as my expectations of each of you they are not many.
a. I will expect you to exhibit Christian attitudes exemplified in Galatians 5:16-26.
b. I will expect you to take God’s word serious in this study (2 Timothy 2:15).
c. I will expect you to ask me for help if you don’t understand something, I don’t usually
bite (Galatians 6:2).
2. I will expect you to let me know if you think I have arrived in error in anything I have taught
(Galatians 2:11).
a. I am not perfect and, in my time, preaching of all the times widows have quickly met me
at the back door to tell me they didn’t agree with something I said, only once have I
been right and them wrong.
Course Topics To Cover
1. Introduction To Class
a. Going over the syllabus and expectations for this class.
2. Establishing Bible Authority Part 1
a. Direct Statements
3. Establishing Bible Authority Part 2
a. Examples
4. Establishing Bible Authority Part 3
a. Implications
b. Expedience
5. Unity & Division
a. What unifies verse divides us?
6. Situation Ethics
a. Do situations and culture dictate biblical ethics?
7. Worship: Leadership
a. Women’s Roles & The Feminist movement in the church.
8. Worship: Preaching/Teaching
a. Expectations Vs Reality
9. Worship: Singing
a. Mechanical Instruments
10. Worship: The Lord’s Supper
a. Must we partake every Sunday or can we take it anytime?
11. Small Groups Replacing Of Worship
a. Is exchanging a worship service for a separate at home worship biblical?
12. Holy Spirit Misunderstood
a. Illumination, baptism, and miracles discussed.
13. Divorce & Remarriage
a. Is divorce sin and remarriage sin?
14. Divorce & Remarriage
a. Arguments made & refuted for all to remarry.
15. Salvation
a. Are we too limited on what God expects converts to know?
Passages For Memorization
1. Isaiah 1:18
2. Colossians 3:17
3. 2 Timothy 2:15
4. Ezra 7:10
5. 1 Corinthians 1:10
6. Matthew 7:21-23
7. 2 Timothy 2:11-14
8. Jeremiah 20:9
9. Ephesians 5:18-19
10. Matthew 26:26-28
11. Psalm 119:11
12. Hebrews 13:8
13. Matthew 19:1-12
14. 1 Corinthians 7:15
15. Luke 14:33
Recommended Reading
1. Behold The Pattern by Goebel Music.
a. Digital Reading:
b. Buy: Can find on Amazon
2. Ascertaining Bible Authority by Roy Deaver.
a. Buy:
3. Piloting The Straight by Dave Miller
a. Buy:
4. Tampering With Truth: The New Left In the Lord’s Church by David W. Hester
b. Buy:
5. Change Agents And Churches of Christ by William Woodson
a. Buy:
6. Ready Reference Guide by Sain Publications
a. Buy:
Instructor: Landon Rowell
Change Agents
Getting To Know The Teacher
1. My name is Landon Rowell; I’m married to Kristin, have two biological children that are 15 and
we have one officially adopted child and two unofficially adopted children.
a. I am a 2005 graduate of the Brown Trail School of Preaching and started my first full time
work with the Hydro church of Christ in June of 2005.
b. I was the president of the BTSOP Alumni Association for over eleven years and director
of the BTSOP Alumni Lectureship for seven years as well.
2. I have been the preacher here in Ramona, OK since December 2010.
a. Therefore, as of today I have been preaching 18 years.
What To Expect From Your Teacher
1. Diligence:
a. I will seek to always be on time, fully prepared, and ready to teach God’s word.
i. I am a full-time preacher and there are times when situations cannot be avoided
but I will make certain none of those are of my own shortcomings.
2. A Strict Adherence To Logic & Reason:
a. I married an artsy girl but I myself am not and I am very “black and white” in my
teaching style.
i. Now, biblically this is how it needs to be but I also know I’m not perfect, but I try
and keep my opinions out of classes such as this unless my opinion is asked.
3. Class Participation:
a. I enjoy class participation and encourage it.
i. I’m not afraid to go after a rabbit or two but depending on time we might have
to “come back” to an off-topic question or question that will take us too far
down the rabbit whole for class.
b. I might set up a time for us to come and study just that at some other date if necessary.
What The Teacher Expects From You
1. As far as my expectations of each of you they are not many.
a. I will expect you to exhibit Christian attitudes exemplified in Galatians 5:16-26.
b. I will expect you to take God’s word serious in this study (2 Timothy 2:15).
c. I will expect you to ask me for help if you don’t understand something, I don’t usually
bite (Galatians 6:2).
2. I will expect you to let me know if you think I have arrived in error in anything I have taught
(Galatians 2:11).
a. I am not perfect and, in my time, preaching of all the times widows have quickly met me
at the back door to tell me they didn’t agree with something I said, only once have I
been right and them wrong.
Course Topics To Cover
1. Introduction To Class
a. Going over the syllabus and expectations for this class.
2. Establishing Bible Authority Part 1
a. Direct Statements
3. Establishing Bible Authority Part 2
a. Examples
4. Establishing Bible Authority Part 3
a. Implications
b. Expedience
5. Unity & Division
a. What unifies verse divides us?
6. Situation Ethics
a. Do situations and culture dictate biblical ethics?
7. Worship: Leadership
a. Women’s Roles & The Feminist movement in the church.
8. Worship: Preaching/Teaching
a. Expectations Vs Reality
9. Worship: Singing
a. Mechanical Instruments
10. Worship: The Lord’s Supper
a. Must we partake every Sunday or can we take it anytime?
11. Small Groups Replacing Of Worship
a. Is exchanging a worship service for a separate at home worship biblical?
12. Holy Spirit Misunderstood
a. Illumination, baptism, and miracles discussed.
13. Divorce & Remarriage
a. Is divorce sin and remarriage sin?
14. Divorce & Remarriage
a. Arguments made & refuted for all to remarry.
15. Salvation
a. Are we too limited on what God expects converts to know?
Passages For Memorization
1. Isaiah 1:18
2. Colossians 3:17
3. 2 Timothy 2:15
4. Ezra 7:10
5. 1 Corinthians 1:10
6. Matthew 7:21-23
7. 2 Timothy 2:11-14
8. Jeremiah 20:9
9. Ephesians 5:18-19
10. Matthew 26:26-28
11. Psalm 119:11
12. Hebrews 13:8
13. Matthew 19:1-12
14. 1 Corinthians 7:15
15. Luke 14:33
Recommended Reading
1. Behold The Pattern by Goebel Music.
a. Digital Reading:
b. Buy: Can find on Amazon
2. Ascertaining Bible Authority by Roy Deaver.
a. Buy:
3. Piloting The Straight by Dave Miller
a. Buy:
4. Tampering With Truth: The New Left In the Lord’s Church by David W. Hester
b. Buy:
5. Change Agents And Churches of Christ by William Woodson
a. Buy:
6. Ready Reference Guide by Sain Publications
a. Buy: